

Protect yourself with cleaner, virus-free air with LumenAire®.

Patented Triple Layer Filtration

  1. UVGI (Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation) Disinfection – Powerful dual 253.7nm UV emitters that disable the RNA of viruses (0.1-0.15μm) as air passes though an aluminium shielded chamber.
  2. H-13 HEPA Filter – Able to capture solid particles larger than 0.3μm in size, such as bacteria, mould, smoke and dust. Air purifiers mainly use HEPA filters.
  3. Activated Carbon Filter – Extremely porous and granular pieces of carbon which adsorb exponentially more contaminants and allergens such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde and odours.
  • UVGI (Ultraviolet Germicidal
    Irradiation) Disinfection
    Powerful dual 253.7nm UV emitter that destroys viruses (0.1-0.15μm).
  • H-13 HEPA Filter
    Captures solid particles larger than 0.3μm in size, such as mould, smoke and dust.
  • Activated Carbon Filter
    Increased surface contact to filter odour and chemical pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde.
  • Aluminium Shielded Chamber
    Prevents UV leakages from the device and maximises UV intensity* within the chamber.
    *Lab-tested and Proven to be Safe in Occupied Spaces
  • Engineered Fan
    Delivers quiet air flow at a controlled speed through the chamber for maximum disinfection.
Double-barrel 55W Philips
TUV-T8 UVC lamps to achieve maximum UV intensity.
The dual UVC lamps are safely enclosed in an aluminium irradiation chamber to prevent skin and eye exposure.

Leveraging the Power of UV-C Light

Tested and proven to reduce virus particles

Our pilot study found a significant reduction in virus index of an indoor space after installing LumenAire®.

LumenAire® VS Air Purifiers

Want to try the LumenAire®?

Schedule a demo with us so we can show you how it works!

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